Photovoltaic energy storage solution

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Photovoltaic Energy Storage Solution

With the rapid improvement of energy storage technology and the continuous decline of costs, "photovoltaic energy storage" will play an important role in the future energy field. With the application of photovoltaic energy storage systems and the popularity of electric vehicles, the combination of the two has been widespread attention of the people.

Use solar photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, supply power in normal weather, and use city power to provide power in rainy days

Product model: 51.2V20KWh/5000W

Size: 442*400*223mm

Weight: 250Kg

Its features:

1. Safety and environmental protection

2. Low cost and long-lasting power supply

Several common optical storage systems are:

1. Photovoltaic storage charging pile

2. Photovoltaic storage BIPV

3. Photovoltaic storage community photovoltaic

4. Photovoltaic storage county-wide promotion In addition to the above-mentioned photovoltaic storage systems, there are also application scenarios such as photovoltaic storage microgrid, photovoltaic storage DC buildings, and photovoltaic storage sunshine room. Photovoltaic storage system may become a new growth point of domestic photovoltaic